Tech Transfer Office in Figures
The UC Tech Transfer Office is the driving force behind applied research at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Our office manages the identification, protection and subsequent transfer of research results.
active patent requests
76 patents requirements
transfer agreements
scientific undertakings
Success stories

UC remains a steady leader in patenting in Chile: read about six new technologies that promise to provide solutions to major issues
April, 27, 2020 Five-time consecutive recipient of the INAPI award, Catholic University is recognized for registering the highest number of patents in...

Zippedi: Artificial Intelligence for Retail
pedi is the first Chilean robot using Artificial Intelligence. It was designed to verify that there aren’t any mistakes in the orders or prices of p...

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine
Dr. Alexis Kalergis, UC Biological Sciences Respiratory syncytial virus is a devastating public health problem responsible for 70% to 90% of infection...
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