Attention Deficit Diagnostic Test
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most frequent pediatric mental health problem in Chile and around the world. A timely diagnosis and treatment for this disorder improves the patient’s quality of life and mitigates the disorder’s emotional and social impact. However, the first-line medication (methylphenidate) used to treat ADHD is associated with 1% of the serious adverse events, which include death, severe cardiovascular and hypertension events, arrhythmias and psychotic events. Therefore, the decision to treat a patient with ADHD must be based on an accurate and objective diagnosis.
An ADHD diagnosis today is based entirely on the treating physician’s clinical judgement and recognition and assessment of the symptoms that meet certain standard criteria. This involves considerable diagnostic challenges since there is a subjective aspect involved in making an assessment of the symptoms; up until now. As a result, this technology provides a biochemical blood test that has proven to be highly sensitive and specific to individuals with ADHD, during the pilot study phase.
Potential Use
Test to support the Diagnosis of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Development Status
TRL 3: In the pilot phase, the test has proven to be highly sensitive and specific to the markers under study. The next stage is aimed at clinically validating the test in a prospective study with individuals presenting an inconclusive (confused) diagnosis.
- Make ADHD diagnosis objective.
- Avoids overmedicating patients when unnecessary.
Intellectual Property
PCT request No. PCT/CL2019/050002
Looking for companies or institutions interested in forming a partnership to apply for public funding or to directly finance the next stages in the development and future commercialization of the Test.
Research Team
Marcela Henríquez