Changing the Metaphor: Teacher Training Methodology



Under the premise that teacher training programs have a great deal of influence on students’ beliefs, a UC interdisciplinary research team made up of Viviana Gómez, María Paz González and Pablo Gutiérrez, developed a methodology for addressing preconceptions and belief mobility in the teaching practice through an adaptation of Lego® Serious Play®. The experience is based on a series of challenges that are tackled by building abstract concepts through the use of Lego bricks to create a game-like situation in a safe environment, where students can design a construction of their beliefs, without feeling judged, and then rebuild them by interacting with other students and trainers. 

The experience is based on a series of challenges that are tackled by building abstract concepts through the use of Lego bricks to create a game-like situation in a safe environment, where students can design a construction of their beliefs, without feeling judged, and then rebuild them by interacting with other students and trainers. 

This process makes it possible to actually see changes while creating an educational mindset that begins with the individual but that moves toward more systemic insights.


It provides an opportunity to work on different types of beliefs, for example, those associated with inclusion, migration or interculturality.

Potential Applications

This methodology has been tested in the classroom with valuable results in terms of identifying metaphors related to low-income schools. This model is currently being applied by the School of Pedagogy’s early teacher training program at UC’s Villarrica Campus.

It can be applied at undergraduate student teacher training programs or by institutions or foundations carrying out their work in low-income school settings.

Development Status

Technology validated in a relevant environment (simulation)


  • Developing pilot initiatives for other related issues in education
  • Implementation at university undergraduate training programs
  • Pilot program in Latin America

Research Team

  • Viviana Gómez, PhD in Psychology and Professor at UC’s Villarica Campus.
  • María Paz González, PhD in Education and Professor at UC’s Villarica Campus Pablo Gutiérrez, Master’s in Curriculum Development and Educational Projects and Professor at UC’s Villarica Campus