ViDA: Advanced Home Healthcare Model



ViDA is a technology-assisted advanced home healthcare model used to improve biopsychosocial interventions with pediatric caregivers attending children ages 0-6 in the public system. Moreover, the model handles information management matters through e-health solutions that record doctor’s visits in real time and convey this information to family health centers. This project aims to boost the quality of home healthcare by improving its management, optimizing resources and providing more cost-effective interventions.

Potential Use

It is a useful for any public program that provides home healthcare visits.

Development Status



  • The advance beta model allows for conducting a home healthcare visit that is based on the specific relationship established between the family and visiting agents so that it is effective and meets individual family needs.
  • The application can be used offline and agents can automatically transfer the information to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development platforms later on.

Intellectual Property

  • Support Manual for Relation-Based Home Visits, Copyright Registration No.
  • Educational Sheets for Relation-Based Home Visits, Copyright Registration No. 264,787.
  • Technological Application for Tablets for Home Healthcare Agents conducting Visits, Copyright Registration No 264.786.
  • ViDA Project Manual: Technology-supported advanced home healthcare visitsdesigned to boost biopsychosocial interventions with expectant mothers and primary caregivers of boys/girls/children ages 0-6 years, in the primary healthcare system, Copyright Registration No. 289,477.
  • Web ViDA and APP ViDA platforms copyrighted under Copyright Registration No.


  • Available for implementation as part of a pilot program at different public
    organizations that provide home healthcare services
  • Available to central and local governments and foundations.

Research Team

  • Marcela Aracena, Professor and Research Staff from the UC School of Psychology UC. Graduate in Psychology and Licensed Psychologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Master in Science. Mc Master University, Hamilton. Canada;
  • Rayén Condeza, Graduate in Social Information and Journalist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Master of Science in Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile .