Center for Excellence in Information and Communications Technology

Inria (the French Digital Science Research Institute) fosters excellence in science and technology transfer in order to maximize its impact by taking on challenges in the field of IT and mathematics which often interface with other disciplines and applications in health care, energy, the environment, climate, etc. Inria works with numerous companies where it has helped launch more than 160 start-ups.

Since 2012 Inria has been working in Chile closely with academia and local companies to tackle the national digital transformation challenge faced by science, society and the economy. The Center receives funding from CORFO.

Areas of R+D

  • Interaction, viewing and multimedia
  • Modeling and simulations, optimization and control
  • Systems, networks and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Data, knowledge, security and confidentiality
  • Artificial intelligence and autonomous systems

Partner Institutions

Inria and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile